Crochet All Day Hand Salve

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Join and circulation support hand salve using essential oils

I get SO EXCITED when my love for yarn and holistic care coincide. Even when it comes at the cost of my dexterity.


A few months ago I suddenly came down with carpal tunnel symptoms. I wasn’t sure what it was until my OT friend confirmed it for me. It was that awful almost-numb-but-not-because-it-hurts-a-lot kind of pain. Could have been a combination of crocheting, unpacking, texting too much, I don’t know. But the pain was so bad it was keeping me up at night.


I’m no stranger to bone/joint/tendon issues. I did gymnastics for over 12 years and I’m pretty sure I have the joints of an 80 yr old. I wear huge wrist braces when I do yoga (I know, super cool), my hips crack when I change direction, and my sciatic pain when I’m pregnant is off the charts. I’ve been a fan of tiger balm and athletic tape for years.

My husband actually made me this concoction when I was suffering from the carpal tunnel symptoms. It only lasted a few weeks, but I put this on before I went to bed and it helped me get some sleep. (Okay that’s a lie…I have a 1.5 yr old who’s getting teeth, I don’t sleep. But it did help with the pain.) Also it’s 100% holistic, natural and safe, which are my favorite qualities in a hand salve.


Joint & Circulation Support Salve Recipe:

  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 4 oz glass jar
  • 15 drops each of the following essential oilsBlack Pepper
    • Lavender
    • Geranium
    • Frankincense
    • Cypress

Essential oils for joint support hand cream: lavender, frankincense, geranium, cypress, black pepper

The oils used in this recipe are good for inflammation, circulation, and pain. You could also add peppermint and clove, which are great for inflammation and pain, but since I often end up with a 1 yr old in my bed, we opted to omit them as they are not recommended for littles. For 1/4 cup of carrier oil, you’ll want to stick to 75-90 drops total of essential oils. This creates a max 5% dilution.


Pro tip: It always helps to melt the coconut oil a little bit so that you can stir in the essential oils more easily.


Circulation support hand salve using coconut oil and essential oils

Along with using this at night, I took a good break from crocheting and did some small exercises with my hand. I don’t know what it was, but the symptoms went as quickly as they came. I still put this cream on at night and massage it around if I’ve been doing a lot of crocheting, just to help encourage some hand homeostasis. I really believe that prevention is a key to personal sustainability. I want to keep doing what I’m doing, so I have to stay as healthy as I can.

Disclaimer: I must note that nothing stated in this article has been approved by the FDA, I am not a medical professional, and none of this information is intended to treat or cure any ailment or disease.

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Joint and circulation support


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