Essential Oil Recipes Using the Young Living Starter Kit

My collection of essential oils has gotten *slightly* out of control. But it’s fine, guys. I’m fine.

There are approximately one zillion essential oils. However, despite my ever growing wish list, there WAS a time when I only had the 11 oils that come in the Young Living Premium Starter Kit. There’s actually a lot you can do with just those 11 oils, especially since they come with a diffuser.

I wanted to share some recipes so everyone can go ahead and become an addict like I did. If you don’t essential oil alone it’s not a problem, right??


Young Living Desert Mist Diffuser

Diffuser Recipes

Diffusing is my favorite way to use essential oils. It fills a whole room with wonderful smells and your whole family/household can enjoy them together this way. These recipes are easy – just drop in the diffuser and turn it on! Usually you want 4-8 drops total in your diffuser. Maybe a few more for a larger room.

Happy: 3 drops Peppermint + 3 drops Citrus Fresh
Sleepy: 3 drops Lavender + 2 drops Copaiba
Healthy: 3 drops Thieves + 2 drops Lemon

Roller bottles for DIY essential oil crafts

Roller Bottle Recipes

Roll-ons are a great way to use your oils on the go. I put mine in 10 mL glass roller bottles and label them with something cute like this and stick them in a small zipper pouch in my purse or diaper bag. To dilute the essential oils I usually use Young Living’s V6 carrier oil, but I also use fractionated coconut oil or jojoba oil. For the recipes below, drop your essential oils in first and then fill the rest of the bottle with a carrier oil of your choice. These recipes create approximately a 4-5% dilution, which is generally safe for adults. I greatly encourage you to do your own research on essential oils safety. If you plan to use these on children under 12, you will need to dilute more (you can check out Robert Tisserand’s safety page for info on essential oil safety and kids). I also really love this graphic I found on Pinterest that makes it easy.


Relax: 10 drops Lavender + 10 drops Copaiba
Immune Boost: 10 drops Thieves + 10 drops Lemon
Power Team: 10 drops Lavender + 10 drops Peppermint + 5 drops Lemon


I call the last one the “Power Team” because it’s good for EVERYTHING. Maybe your head hurts, maybe you’re a little stuffy because it’s Spring, maybe you need a little pick-me-up because your baby doesn’t sleep EVER. Either way, Power Team has you covered. #thumbsup


DIY roller and spray bottles for essential oil crafts

Spray Bottle Recipes

Spray bottles are great for using within your household, but you can also use smaller ones to take with you (Amazon sells 2 oz glass spray bottles/misters, like this one I use, that are great for on-the-go). The recipes below are for a 4 oz mister bottle. Put the number of drops of essential oils in the bottle, then fill the rest with witch hazel or distilled water. I prefer either half and half or just witch hazel. Note that you will have to shake before you spray, because neither witch hazel nor water dissolves essential oils.


Sleepy Pillow Spray: 10 drops Lavender  + 10 drops Frankincense + 10 drops Copaiba
Odor Eater: 15 drops Lemon + 15 drops Raven
Holiday Room Spray: 20 drops Thieves + 10 drops Citrus Fresh


Do you feel great yet? Hopefully you feel a little more empowered to use and enjoy essential oils even if it’s “just” 11 of them. Everyone responds to these aromas differently, and I’d love to hear what you like and if you made any tweaks!

Disclaimer: I must note that nothing stated in this article has been approved by the FDA and these products and recipes are not intended to treat or cure any illness or disease.

This post may contain affiliate links for products I use and love.

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9 Essential Oil Recipes using the Young Living Premium Starter Kit


0 thoughts on “Essential Oil Recipes Using the Young Living Starter Kit

  1. Hi Nicolle! Very intetesting. Would probably like to use a diffuser in my older apartment. Will fet one…I didn’t know there are elecric styles…I’ve only seen the bottles with “sticks” in them. So do sell these? If so, I’ m a once a month payday person, S.S. But can see prices after 9/1/’18. Thanks for including me. Hope all is well. Safe journey! Love you!😍

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