Crunchy Lash Brew: Lash & Brow Growth Serum

This post contains affiliate links for products I use and love.DIY lash serum with castor oil and lavender essential oil for fuller lashes and growth
Let’s talk a little about self love. After I had my first baby – like, months after, because having a baby is kind of rough – I started a workout program and started eating right, determined to fit back into my jeans again and feel good about myself. It started off really well! Then…I found myself suddenly pregnant with my second baby, and unable to keep up with the good diet and exercise (baby girl wanted POPEYE’S) and back to feeling GROSS. I decided to switch my feel-good focus to skin care, bc that was something I COULD work on while being pregnant. I splurged and bought some fancy lash growth serum, and while it was $$$ it WORKED. I was a goddess. I loved it. I loved it so much that I splurged again and bought more when it ran out.

DIY Natural Lash Serum with Lavender

Then I started getting crunchy. Oh and I quit my job to be a SAHM. Talk about a budget adjustment. But I still wanted to be a goddess! I stumbled upon natural lash serums during my initial natural beauty Google sessions, but didn’t give it much thought because I had my awesome sauce. But when I was experimenting with the Oil Cleansing Method (OCM) and included castor oil, I noticed that my lashes AND brows were looking darker and thicker. So I decided to give the homemade serum a try.

Natural lash growth serum using lavender essential oil and castor oil blend

It’s SO EASY GUYS. It has 3 ingredients (although you can add more if you want):


These are easy to find – you can get these ingredients at Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, or follow the links to the brands I’ve used on Amazon. You can also add some more nurturing oils if you want – argan oil, etc. But this is basically all you need. Honestly, you can just rub castor oil on your brows and lash line before you go to bed and it will help. But it’s sticky and gross and putting this all together in an empty mascara applicator like this one is much easier. Just swipe it on during your night time routine.


Young Living Lavender Essential OilYoung Living Lavender Essential Oil

SAFETY NOTE: This recipe contains essential oils, and you are putting them close to your eyes – so be careful! Make sure you are using PURE essential oils without any synthetic components that could further irritate your eyes (I use Young Living because they are the bomb). Lavender is a pretty “gentle” EO, but none are really that gentle when they are in your eyes. If it gets in there, wipe your eye with another oil – like olive oil. Don’t just rinse it out with water. Water doesn’t dissolve oil! #science

Okay so go forth and grow your goddess lashes! Let me know how it goes 🙂

Disclaimer: These statements have not been approved by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any ailments or diseases.

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DIY Lash Boost Serum with Essential Oils


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