Crochet for a Cause: Chunky Ridge Cowl

Ashley of Edyth Blayne has been hosting an amazing initiative since June called Crochet for a Cause. She gathered a bunch of fabulous designers to coordinate a free PDF download for a hat or scarf pattern to be released each week. The idea behind her initiative is to collect patterns that can be quickly/easily made to be donated. I was honored to be able to participate!

Rainbow Fade Hexagon Baby Blanket

rainbow fade baby blanket free pattern

I made this hexagon baby blanket late last year for a dear friend of mine from college. She said that her nursery had stars and rainbows, and I mulled over it for a while before deciding to try my hand at a hexagon arrangement.

Rainbow baby blankets are so bright and happy and fun. I love the idea of surrounding your new babe with such vibrancy!

Mod Buffalo Plaid: Fingerless Gloves

Hi, friends! I feel like it’s been a while since I put out a new design, but I’ve been dreaming this one up for a while now.

My friend sent me this gorgeous large print buffalo plaid scarf/cape for Christmas, and I am absolutely in love with its timeless elegance. I love classic motifs and I love oversimplified ones best. This was kind of the best of both!

Winter Wondersquares December CAL: Nordic Snowflake Square

Nordic Snowflake Fair Isle Blanket Square

I’m so excited that it’s my turn to share my Winter Wondersquare! I joined Claire of Bear Rye Crochet and designing 1 of 30 8-inch squares that you can join to create a beautiful and unique winter themed blanket! You can check out her CAL post to see all the past squares, and subscribe to her email list to make sure you get the ones for the rest of the month!